Soft de Bach System


The most popular and exact software to diagnose the needed flower essences based on psychological or physical symptoms, now in English language. This software has the all information and ways to locate which Bach essences are needed for any kind of treatment. It is very use to manage and learn, same for the therapist or for non specialized person because only on need is to select the symptoms one person have from a list, the software make the rest.

Also the software can create a test where the patient must answer YES or NOT only, this is more accurate for introverted people or also sometimes for clients that are treated by Internet.

Included procedures:

- Information of all essences of the Dr. Bach system, their properties and aplications to psychological or physical problems.

- A perfect way to locate the essences one person need selecting their symtoms from one list, program use an additive way to show the principal ones on must use

- Included also a test procedure for locating the essences one person must take
- Information window about the Chakras and their analogy with the essences.  Help in this procedure too for selecting the essences needed.

- Included all boddy maps system and their analogy.
- Procedure with combined essences list for fast or standard applications to certain temporal states
- Can print the prescription card for the client use or for the pharmacy shoping
- E-mail procedure to send directly from the software advices, prescriptions or other text to the client (need you can have access to one SMTP server to use this option) 
- You can print the prescription to your client also in Spanish or Italian languages if your client spoke them.
- Graphic procedure that explain how to prepare the essences dilutions
- All databases are open, you can create your own tests, edit or add new symptoms.
- Very simple and easy to manage
- Database to have your client's records in it with all information about treatments, personal or also some family heritage tendencies if necessary.

Minimum requeriments:

Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
50 MB. hard disk
Screen 1024x768
Languages: English, Spanish, Italiano

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